日本財団 図書館


International laws do not stipulate that we should stand by idly without taking any action, until such a massacre happens.
What is an international law? International laws are the product of human beings. Did international law exist prior to human beings? No. Do international laws include only prohibitions? In the case of a conflict between the Kurds and Iraqies in northern Iraq several years ago, the rest of the world did not show any consideration for the leader in Baghdad. International son 'ty tried to protect people by intervention. In other cases, however, governments in the world often seem to neglect what they should do, by applying a questionable international law as an excuse.
During the Cold War era, when the U.N. could not operate due to certain circumstances, a number of discusions were made over international laws. Also in present society, we have legislation on many issues, such as terrorism and environmental pollution. These problems affect the security of human beings directly in the long term.
We are running out of time. I believe it is time to give the U.N. genuine authority and power to meet reality. This is an unavoidable argument. Otherwise, we will continue to present resolutions in vain.
Under the cover of international law, we may just as well put off what we should do as members of the human society. In addition, the situation that many members do not pay their financial contributions should be highly criticized.


Okazaki: ft has been long been recognized that the roles of the U.N. play a significant part in social and economic aspects, apart from the fields of politics and security. The International Labour Organization (ILO), established in the times of the League of Nations, played a central role internationally in solving labor problems. Under the United Nations also, it has contributed greatly to the solution of economic and social issues.
The problem lies in politics and security. As long as there are absolute principles of respect for a sovereign state and noninterference in domestic affairs, these issues are unlikely to be solved successfully. ft will take still longer to remove these principles. Since Asia is in an era of nationalism, it will take several decades for governments in Asia to accept the idea of limited sovereignty. ASEAAN countries and regions have no foreign threat at present, as described earlier. Rather, they are entering the most threatless era in 300 rears.
Traditionally, the threat for ASEAN countries and regions has been the imperialism of





